Credits: MoB's Jungle Hale - The Backdoor King By: MoB
Luster- to boost your gold income and farm better
Sweeping Strikes (Q)- Get at level 4, 12, 13 & 14
Inertial Sword (W)- Get at level 2, 8, 9 & 10
Sheol Calibur (E)- Get at level 1, 3, 5 & 7
Earthquake (R)- Get at level 6, 11 & 15
Starting Items
A legendary throwing axe is nice as well because every creep kill with it gives up to +5 additional gold. On top of Luster, this will give you the GPM needed to scale into the late game effectively.
Core Items/Late Game
In this exact order: Fervor Boots, Demon Fang, Zealot's Blade, Woundsplitter and Power Conduit
For the 6th item, depending on how the game is and what your major threat is:
Guardian Helm- if you die to mostly magic damage.
Iceforged Plate- if you die to mostly attack damage.
Stone Skin- if you are getting CC'd or Hexbaned.
Berserker Mask- if you don't feel threatened and want to solo generators and end the game by yourself even faster.
Fervor Boots first will help you clear the jungle faster by attacking faster and getting around quicker. It also gets you away from bad situations even faster throughout the entire game, especially since you also have Inertial Sword.
The rest of the items simply turn you into a lethal machine attacking extremely fast and hard.
These are the legendary items I use:
Elder Stone, Health Elixir, Windrush and Pyrostaff
Starting in the Jungle
Start with an ancient camp. DO NOT ATTACK IT. Take either the left or right creep by using Luster (Pet) and Throwing Axe (Item) actives. This is an instant ancient kill, run away and finish the rest of the jungle on your side, and come back to the ancients and complete it once Luster (Pet) is up again. This is the most effective Jungle route.
It is also important to give some presence to your solo lane, which is likely top. Top is a great solo lane, and the right players can pull it off fairly easily 1v2.
Solo the World
This hero is extremely capable of playing completely versus the environment and winning the game, although this is not the only style that works. However, if you focus on getting your gold as fast as you possibly can, once the mid-game strikes and you have your first few items, you can avoid fights and push side lanes and towers. It is extremely difficult to react to a Hale who is farming so fast. You can solo generators before the other team is able to react.
You can also solo Baldir and Cindara. The earliest recommended time to solo Baldir is at level 4-5, when you already have Fervor Boots. The earliest recommended time to solo Cindara is level 10.
To solo Baldir, use E and attack. Once Baldir attacks 5 times, he shoots dangerous lasers that do lots of damage. Start running away right when Baldir is about to attack for his 5th time to avoid these lasers. Wait for your E and repeat, secure the boss kills with Luster (Pet).
To solo Cindara, it is similar. Attack Cindara until he summons knives, Once the knives are summoned run away. Rinse and repeat.
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